She Is Gone
Hand painted with Ink and Watercolor on 300gr paper
"She Is Gone" depicts a poignant scene of a majestic boar standing over the weathered remains of a boar skull

The Process 
Creation of the piece from the concept sketches to the finished piece. 

Some of the initial concept sketches and exploration of various composition variants with different elements. 

After deciding on the elements and composition for the artwork, I proceeded to create a detailed rendered sketch on paper. This sketch served as a preliminary representation of the intended design. To transfer the rendered sketch onto the final canvas, I used a light box, in order to faithfully recreate the image on Fabriano paper. This process ensured that the initial vision was accurately translated, preserving the intricate details and nuances of the artwork.
Process photos at various stages during the creation. I wanted to capture the  progress from the initial concept sketch to the intricate ink work, and provide a visual narrative of the artwork's evolution.
Video Process - She Is Gone
If interested, you can check the full video process below.
Thank you for taking the time to witness the creation of this artwork. Your impressions and comments are highly appreciated. If you found this process intriguing, feel free to follow for more artistic endeavors and updates.
She is Gone


She is Gone
